Gay-hater Jerry Falwell dead at 73
Just heard the news. "Moral Majority" founder Falwell took public gay-blaming and gay-bashing to whole new levels of magnitude. I'm so tempted to draw him in Hell wondering where all the gay people are (or maybe he accidentally gets let into Heaven and would rather be in Hell because there are too many gay people around cramping his gaybashing style). Somewhere, Tinky Winky is laughing. From 365gay:
Falwell, the founder of the Moral Majority and Liberty University, had a long history of opposing gay rights. In 1976 he, along with Anita Bryant, led the charge against gay adoption in Florida leading to the most repressive anti-gay adoption law in the US. Following the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington in 2001 Falwell declared that gays and pro choice advocates were to blame.
Update: Matt Bors is so all over this already, with a little something he calls "Too Soon Comics." Meanwhile I have postponed my decision to draw about Falwell to next week. Me=wimp.
Labels: LGBT
Falwell is in Hell, no doubt about it.
This is a waste of your time!!!
The irony of my comment is not lost on me!!!
I don't think it's a waste of my time to point out Falwell's real legacy while the media soft-pedals him out of that silly old respect for the dead. His legacy doesn't deserve any respect, any more than that of Strom Thurmond--or, say, Ronald Reagan.
Maybe Don Wildmon's next. I am definately certain that Ralph Bakshi and John Kricfalusi will not mourn him for what he did to their short-lived-but-terrific "Mighty Mouse" project.
Oh, and it looks like other cartoonists beat you for the "gays in heaven with Jerry" cartoon.
That's probably a sign that it's good I didn't do it. I think I'm going to do "The Wacky Afterlife Adventures of Jerry Falwell and Strom Thurmond" instead--the two of them as ghosts doing all kinds of bigoted hijinks.
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