New cartoons: 50 Shots, Racist Kramer, and more
Plus: Check out my "Itty-Bitty Paycheck Funpages" cartoon in the latest issue of Bitch (Feminist Response to Pop Culture) magazine.
I guess 41 isn't excessive enough anymore. Last weekend five police fired 50 shots at three innocent black men leaving a bachelor party in Queens, killing 23-year-old Sean Bell on his wedding day. It's a far-too-familiar story, and it's a crime, not just a tragic accident. And there's no reason to think it won't happen again and again.
If you haven't seen Michael "Kramer" Richards' rant yet, it's on TMZ. I hope his career is over, but if Trent Lott can come back as Senate Majority Leader after his pro-segregation comments, maybe there's a future for Richards in the GOP leadership.
That was three weeks ago, but it looks like my spineless Democratic nightmare is already coming true. Ted Rall has some good cartoons about it.
By the way, I realize this blog is way more sporadic than usual, but I've been working on an extra cartooning project that can not as yet be revealed to the public.
P.S. In non-secret projects, I've got a two-page cartoon spread about the wage gap in the Winter 2007 of Bitch magazine, on newsstands starting tomorrow. It's called the "Itty-Bitty Paycheck Fun Pages" and it's a collaboration with writer and journalist E.J. Graff.