Yes, I'm still cartooning
Newsweek: The Real Killers, plus two more.
Just busy with the new apartment, like I said. Anyway, did you know that it was actually Newsweek who lied to get us into the Iraq war ("Newsweek: The Real Killers")? Also, the FDA protects us from the "Attack of the Gay Sperm" (they are recommending sperm banks turn away gay donors), and Mitt Romney is yet another Profile in Conservative Courage.
And for other cartoons about the Newsweek scandal that don't show people triumphantly flushing Newsweek down the toilet or turning the magazine's name into "Weaknews", see Tony Auth and Rob Rogers". (There are more of course but it's hard to find them amidst the toilet-flushing ones).
Yes, it's not a good thing to publish an incendiary story that hasn't been properly sourced. The thing is, no one seems to be talking about whether the story is true, or what is actually happening at Guantanamo--the Bushies are using Newsweek's sourcing error as some kind of "Get Out of Admitting to any Torture or Abuse" pass--and of course using it to discredit ANY media outlet that dare criticize them. But what has really hurt the U.S.'s reputation in the Muslim world has been, oh, I don't know--lying to start an illegal war that has killed tens of thousands of people, and torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib, and so on. Is that Newsweek's fault, too? Come on, people... (See also Atrios, and this post by Stranger found via Atrios).
Also, the White House now wants Newsweek to write happy stories about how wonderful the U.S. has been in its respect for Islam. The irony is so thick you could put it on toast. So the big casualty here is a real examination of U.S. military abuses. Sigh...