Depressing News
A new report says that thanks to our environmental destructiveness humans are "living on borrowed time." Great.
Oh, and another exciting report says that the U.S.'s crazed obsession with valuing abstinence over much more successful AIDS prevention tools is undermining Uganda's previous success in fighting AIDS. Yeah, sure, go ahead and LET MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN AFRICA DIE because you think that possibly being seen to condone extramarital sex might offend some American conservative Christians.
Plus, in the same vein as the so-called "pharmacists' rights" debate, Catholic hospitals in Colorado are fighting a bill that would require them to give information about emergency contraception to rape victims--they don't even have to provide it, just let them know it's an option. (Link via my friend Matthew, thanks!)
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot--in case you haven't seen it, I did a cartoon before the election that relates to the debate, though it's about a young gay man being refused condoms, rather than a woman being refused emergency contraception. I hate being right.