New Cartoon: Untitled
Please keep "sovereignty" in quote marks. Thanks.

(click image to see full-size cartoon)
Back to my usual doom and gloom, but in only one panel. Now listen, and this is important: NO ONE SHOULD SAY SOVEREIGNTY WITH A STRAIGHT FACE. "Full sovereignty" without control over the military and security, without control over the economy, without the ability to make legislation or alter/overturn laws created by the U.S. occupation, without freedom of the press, without democracy and elections, and with the U.S. still pretty much in charge of absolutely everything is not sovereignty. Iraqis will have "sovereignty" on June 30th in the same sense that we have an "elected" president or the world is a "safer place" since that "president" took office.
For more, see the Nation's Jonathan Schell "It's Time to Politicize the War in Iraq". Also, Steve Sack has a good visual representation of Iraqi sovereignty,
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