Responses to "Shallow Grave" + Bereavement Fund
In just the one day since I posted my cartoon on the murder of Gwen Araujo on my website, I have received more (and more moving) responses than to any other cartoon I've done. The following email comes from Caitlin (who I believe hails from Massachusetts):
Thanks for the write up on Gwen. The fact that the media insists on using *inaccurate* pronouns when reffering to her is extremely irritating. As a 'male' to female transsexual myself, I can relate to the fear, pain, and anxiety she must have felt in those last few minutes ( not fully of course ). Our very existence is fraught with peril at almost every turn and when faced with ignorance and bigotry, dark days seem far darker.
I also received a nice letter from Dawn in Newark, CA (where Gwen lived):
i can't tell you how touching it is to see this strip. i'm a bisexual woman living in the same city as Gwen; i'm only a few years older than her, we went to high school together. it's such a heartbreaking thing for me - it's just nice to see a positive reaction to this and your strip is definitely one of those positive affirmations. thank you so sincerely
Jeff (who I believe is from Cambridge) simply says: You ROCK.
Getting these kinds of letters really means a lot to me, and reminds me why I want to be a cartoonist so much. So thanks so much to those who wrote to me, and keep the letters coming. I read all mail, and generally respond to all mail (except for hate mail, which I thankfully don't receive much of).
Bereavement Fund for Gwen's family
If you would like to donate money to a memorial fund in Gwen's name, the National Transgender Advocacy Coalition has set up a Bereavement Fund. The money is forwarded to the Eddie Araujo, Jr Memorial Fund and the money goes to Gwen's family (to assist in funeral expenses, etc).
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