Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Somehow I thought Romney's defeat would feel sweeter...
Here's a little mini-illo I did for Bay Windows about Romney's defeat:
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Toon: A Tale of Two Romneys—and Two Punchlines!
In case you're not aware, Mitt Romney may be the MOST virulently antigay candidate for President (with close competition from Mike Huckabee)... but back in the day (i.e. five years ago), he used to campaign in GAY BARS. He won the endorsement of the Log Cabin Republicans of Massachusetts in 2002 for promising to never oppose marriage equality. (He's also the most anti-abortion candidate in the race, even though he promised Massachusetts he was prochoice.)
Masheka and cartoon editor extraordinaire Ted (Rall) both thought the punchline fell flat in that first cartoon. So I cogitated a bit and realized that a cartoon referring to science fiction needed more action, more adventure—and more time-traveling Mitt Romneys spanking baby Mick Huckabees!
So, what's your take? Which cartoon is funnier?
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
New Toon: Sgt. Dobson's Boot Camp with Rudy and Mitt!
Giuliani is currently polling way ahead of Romney and McCain. But word is that he doesn't stand a chance with religious right voters due to his adultery, serial marriages/divorces and pro-choice/pro-gay views and history. Romney even claims Rudy is pro marriage equality, but there's no evidence for that. And Rudy's recently been emphasizing that he only believes in marriage between "a man and a woman".
I have a long history of both despising Mitt Romney and drawing cartoons about him--I started out as a cartoonist for the Boston Phoenix when Mitt was just a slimy gubernatorial candidate. I watched him get progressively more anti-gay and anti-choice and it saddens me to think he has even a chance at the White House. I think he's polling third, but he's now the most anti-choice, anti-gay candidate running.
As for Giuliani, I'm no fan.
P.S.Welcome to readers from Cagle.com!
P.P.S.I'm still going to do a cartoon about anti-transgender workplace discrimination, but it'll be for next week, folks.
P.P.P.S. I wish I had the time this week to do something extra about the Walter Reed hospital mess and problems in the VA system. My grandmother Melba was a disabled Korean war veteran, and it was something she was deeply passionate about. I did this 2003 cartoon back when she received a letter from the VA asking to give back part of her meager benefits check.